Purchasing a large-scale composting machine is a significant investment for compost pellet making. Especially when you plan to make organic fertilizer granules from fresh manure. But, how to buy the best large scale composting machine for you compost fertilizer granulation plant? Here involves several key considerations.

How large amount of compost to make?

First of all, as the name suggests, you need to ensure the volume of organic waste you need to process. When you want to buy a large composting equipment for over 10 t/h compost granulation plant, wheel type compost turner is the best choice. Because it has a turning span of 8-30 m and turning depth of 1-3 m.

large scale compost turner working

Which fermentation method of large scale composting machine you want to buy?

In the market, there are various machines for large scale compost making. They adopts different composting method and fermentation technologies. Here, you need to buy the best one according to your needs.

how much does the large scale compost machine cost?

Because of large capacity and advanced technology for better composting, the prices of large scale composting machines are between $20,000-$60,000. As mentioned above, wheel type compost turner is the most economical one. Usually, a 10 m compost span one pricing $33,600

10 mm span composting machine

10 m large scale compost turner

  • Type: wheel type composting equipment

  • Tunring depth: 3 m

  • Price: $33,600 (reference)
  • Composting Time: 15-20 days

  • Fermentation method: Groove composting & aerobic fermentation

what is the material of the large scale composting equipment?

Commonly, in order to reduce the erosion from large compost production to fertilizer fermentation equipment, we will manufacturing large composting machine body with carbon steel, which has a high strength. In addition, for compost turning parts, we will add a film of anti-corrosion paint. Or we can replace it with manganese steel and stainless steel according to your requirements.

What type of organic waste material to decompose?

In general, YUSHUNXIN fertilizer fermentation equipment is suitable for almost all types of organic waste composting. Such as

  • Animal manure composting: cow dung, chicken poop, pig manure, goat waste, horse manure, etc

  • Industrial waste fermentation: biogas residue, mushroom waste, distiller’s grains, sugar waste, etc.

  • In addition, you also can add agricultural waste in the process of large scale composting. Including straw, sawdust, sugarcane bagasse, wood waste, etc.

Therefore, whether you buy the large fertilizer compost turner for organic waste management or commercial compost granules making, our equipment for mass production of compost can fully meet your needs.

How to find the reliable large scale composor manufacturer

After determining type of large fermentation machine you want to buy, it is advisable to find a reliable compost machine manufacturer. It is better to has advantages as follows:

Source factory for fertilizer compost equipment


Therefore, you can get the favourable price to buy the large composting equipment.


Considerate after-sale service

Timely solutions to composting turner installation, operation, compost production, etc.

By following these steps, you can make a well-informed decision when purchasing a large-scale composting machine, ensuring it meets your operational needs of compost fertilizer making and contributes effectively to your compost pellet manufacturing goals.

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